Connecting ROS 2 and Ignition with NVIDIA hardware and software

From desktop bots, to intelligent drones, to self-driving cars, people around the world have long been building and simulating robots with NVIDIA hardware. So we are excited to announce that Open Robotics is working with NVIDIA to accelerate ROS 2 performance on their Jetson and other systems and to connect Ignition Gazebo with Isaac Sim on Omniverse.

"We want our growing number of companies and developers who run and simulate ROS-based autonomy stacks to have a premier developer experience on our platforms," said Murali Gopalakrishna, general manager for robotics at NVIDIA. "We are teaming with Open Robotics to make that happen in a way that the entire community will benefit."

Read more about our collaboration here.


The Virtual RobotX competition is back


Announcing the Sense, Think, Act Podcast